quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

here i am, trying to show all my diplomatic capabilities to explain what is completely unexplainable.
last week i tried to report how x0p is doing on this galaxy. i have received a few informations, it seems he's perfectly well and improving. but news about what's happening, that is becoming a little more complicate. he seems to use all his informations to himself.
not completely bizarre, we live in a galaxy where information is vital. but to be true, no information is really important if not shared. the most difficult to work on is the way information is indexed. we can't ever produce information and index it on the same time. or can we? i can't, but x0p can. that's why i can't continue to tell youtch more about x0p. x0p is more capable to produce information about me than i am ever capable to introduce x0p to youtch.
and the same is happening about joe. when i am describing x0p and their friends, i can't follow joe. when i am following joe to describe his adventures, i can't understand x0p and to be true, following one after the other, time is missing to me to do what i must do.
what do i do? ah! if i knew. first of all, i follow x0p and joe and all of their friends. and i write about them. but if i had writing capabilities i would write what i imagine, but providing my lack of imagination i can't do it and i need to perform investigation and then come back to this place, where i can write.
and time.
always time around us.
there is an important issue i would like to give more attention: the time we lose doing different things looking for a result which obviously could be done easily considering other aspects we always miss.
like writing about the reasons why i don't write. but that is precisely a completely different perspective, not in the argument right now.
i have a list:
- breathe pure air
- eat natural products
- be sober
- drink water between meals
- be clean
- control passions
- not to be lazy
- rest as needed
- dress loose clothes
- be happy
- keep a correct posture

that is the right way to save the world? why not?

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