quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2012


A conversa era sobre Deus,
embora o teólogo estivesse inclinado
a pensar que fosse sobre outra coisa,
pois era hora de jantar.
Pegou num cigarro e perguntou às senhoras se podia fumar.
Tinha devorado o pargo com honesto apetite
e elogiava as virtudes do cozinheiro.
Só Deus, algures, chorava sobre
os despojos da sua pequena criatura na travessa
a caminho da copa, antes da sobremesa.
por/by Manuel António Pina
The conversation was about God,
although the theologian was inclined
to think it was about something else,
because it was time for dinner.
He took a cigarette and asked the ladies if he could smoke.
He had eaten the snapper with honest appetite
and extolled the virtues of the cook.
Only God, somewhere, was crying about
the spoils of his little creature on the platter
on the way to the scullery, before dessert.

quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2012


todos temos razões para estar zangados ou tristes.
a livre vontade e a liberdade de expressão são uma necessidade para o mundo prosperar.
ninguém deveria suprimir essa possibilidade pelo uso da violência ou repressão.
não precisamos de um mundo violento: o mundo já é violento sem nós.
é tempo para nós de encontrarmos o que ele tem de melhor.
we all have reasons to be hungry or to be sad.
free will and freedom of speech are a must to the world to prosper.
noone should supress that possibility by use of violence or repression.
we don't need a violent world: the world is already violent without us.
it's time for us to find the best of it.

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012


quinta-feira passou sem uma palavra
serenidade de relógios
com marte em mente
se lá vamos, e somos capazes de suportar um robot ali
devíamos ser também capazes de fazer robots viajar para dentro de um fogo sem controlo e aí, fazer uso de materiais para controlar esse fogo.
não podemos dar-nos ao luxo de continuamente perdermos homens que combatem fogos, e não podemos dar-nos ao luxo de ver árvores extinguidas pelo fogo, dias após dias.
ou... será possível controlar uma bomba para explodir um material num lugar cheio de gente, rodeado de fogo, e controlar o fogo sem ferir as pessoas?

tuesday has passed without a word
serenity of clocks
with mars on mind
if we go there, and we can provide a robot there
we should also be capable of making robots travel inside a fire out of control and there, make use of materials to control that fire.
we can't afford to continuously lose men fighting fires, and we can't afford to see trees extinguished by fire, days after days.
or.... is it possible to control a bomb to explode a material on a place crowded of people, surrounded by fire, and control the fire without harming the people?

quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2012, you can start reading it here, where the second lerrnstory starts. the first one starts here)

more or less, we can say another quarter of year is gone and more or less we can say it was a great quarter.
everything is better than it was before, that's for sure.
but youtch weren't expecting to hear that from me; youtch already knew that.
there was a new event around kony - and people defending him while most of us see him as a bad person. no matter what is your opinion, i am sure we both agree the place where he chose to live needs to be upgraded and everyone around needs new opportunities.
a particular event happened this week with the pope in cuba.
particular events here and there are making the difference and the world is becoming more human.
that's a good thing for the humans.

quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2012, you can start reading it here, where the second lerrnstory starts. the first one starts here)

today is probably a great day to dance at the sound of "I will follow" - U2.

(you may follow this story here)

quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2012


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2012, you can start reading it here, where the second lerrnstory starts. the first one starts here)

youtch think youtch found a road, but no road can be found. the universe has no roads or at least they are silent. we have designed temporary lines on the small universe we don't know.
if youtch have a moment today, close your eyes while hearing the "torna a surriento", by carlo bergonzi. i am doing the same.

(you may follow this story here)

quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2012


i know, another year for youtch, another lerrnstory for me. my apologies for the absence, i have been delayed on the dark side of the moon, on a perpetuous movement continuously breaking all possible contacts.
the myriad of stars continuously falling on this side of the moon, the dark side, not exactly this side because i am no longer there, i am right now on the right side of the moon, now on a continuous movement perpetually defined with more or less the same time on the right and on the dark side of the moon.
the myriad of stars continuously falling on the dark side of the moon, where i am no longer but continuously visit, is wonderful.
the myriad of stars on this side of the moon is also marvelous, but where i was i left my feet from the floor and lost contact with ground and stood there, looking at the universe.
but now, with my feet on the ground, i look at the myriad of stars and watch them falling.
and this perception continues. it is a perception that follows the movement of the earth.
and as long as the stars fall, we can imagine them going up on the other side. youtch know, the universe has no bottom. the universe has no top either. there's a limit.?

(you may follow this story here)