quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2012


A conversa era sobre Deus,
embora o teólogo estivesse inclinado
a pensar que fosse sobre outra coisa,
pois era hora de jantar.
Pegou num cigarro e perguntou às senhoras se podia fumar.
Tinha devorado o pargo com honesto apetite
e elogiava as virtudes do cozinheiro.
Só Deus, algures, chorava sobre
os despojos da sua pequena criatura na travessa
a caminho da copa, antes da sobremesa.
por/by Manuel António Pina
The conversation was about God,
although the theologian was inclined
to think it was about something else,
because it was time for dinner.
He took a cigarette and asked the ladies if he could smoke.
He had eaten the snapper with honest appetite
and extolled the virtues of the cook.
Only God, somewhere, was crying about
the spoils of his little creature on the platter
on the way to the scullery, before dessert.

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