quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

- of course i hug you. have you already sent a message to the galaxy?
- no, i haven’t sent yet. but you must relax, your stress levels are too high, your helmet is red. you can’t keep that pace. relax for a while. it’s me who’s going to be mother, not you, remember? and it’s not really a problem, i really don’t mind, in fact it’s something i would like to try.
- even on that case, you’re on an illegal experience, don’t forget that. you don’t know if there are other experiences, successful or not, of digital exchange of adn during transaction. you must do a check up under a healthengineer immediately.
- ok, relax, i make the appointment while you send the message to the galaxy.
how amazing life is. the galaxy has replied with 5 million messages. thankfully i am using chaotic systems, otherwise it would be impossible to find the most accurate results. well, to be honest i can’t guarantee the result is the best, it is the best available on the window of opportunity created. and he’s near, after all z3b is not so far away as we were thinking. he’s hidden in x0a house, i only received positive answers from x0a and y3g. only two positive answers and coded only to friends. da vinci, where are you now? where are we going on a coded world?
i am not going to tell y7s i found z3b. at least for a while. she is already scheduling the visit to the healthengineer and i can check this lfer for myself.
- hello x0a. are you alone?
- no, y3g is in here also, and z3b.
z3b took a look from where he was hidden, looking surprised to our friends. obviously he wasn’t expecting they were going to denounce him.
- relax, z3b, it’s x0p, we know him for a long time, it’s you we only know since the recent inner group to play pharmalitics.
- are you sure he is a guardian?
guardians, unguardians, here we are again on that question. i was arrested because of him and now he doubts if i am a guardian. i am no guardian, ok? i could be, but never tried, so i am not. this lfer is evidently different from us. we all in here are able to detect which of us are guardians and which are not. no guardian in this room right now. and yet, he can’t find that. he wants to be with guardians on a place where there aren’t any, but he isn’t also one of them. he must be from another galaxy, or…
- ah! aaahaah! you are mercurian, that’s why i notice differences. and... that means you’re probably toxic to y7s. how could you do that to her?

(you may follow this story here)

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