quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

- maybe
- that's a start. a small answer, a good answer. let's go back to the moment you were both talking and she says to you about inside
- we were talking about z3b, completely lost, out of sight. have you heard some rumour, something that helps us find him?
- ok, out of sight i understand, and you are going to be out of sight either if you don't explain faster why you mentioned the word inside.
- it was a theory
- and that's because of your theory you are going to stay here tonight?
if this was a classic movie, it would be possible for me to go inside some device while no guardian was looking and find any information that would help find z3b, but this is not a classic movie. well, it's not classic, it's no movie at all, probably it's nothing, a world in my head or just the world as its best. no movies allowed really. i don't know why we still use the term classic movie if we don't have any movies at all. no movies, no classic movies, no modern movies whatever. just reality. the real one, the virtual, the ideal, the perfected one, or extrahugerealvirtualdimension.
there's a gas station, we need energy. we need energy, you know?
- ok sir, let's take a pill, you and me.
- which one is yours?
there's no reason for guardians to keep us unprotected. no reason at all. life made some of us guardians, some of us unguardians. a good thing we found a common language and they allowed us to dress our clothes again. i know we have a great power now, but still limited. and they can still read our minds. otherwise, here and now, even with our clothes on, we are disconnected from reading mind capabilities.
but we are smoking a virtual cigar. together. each one at a time, but the same cigar. it wasn't impossible on our ancient days but on the new realvirtuality we can do it, and it's much nicer, more tasty and intimate.
it's my guardian who finishes smoking and throws the cigar away. a virtual fire starts somewhere and we are faced with the need to leave the jail. luckily, guardians run to one side and my friends come with me to the other side. well, precisely speaking, my friends are going to the other side too, but they're dressed as guardians and i can't recognize them. and the others, my friends who are on my side, they would be guardians either if they had the opportunity. and i am alone again.
alone with my thoughts, trying to find y7s. no, no. i am trying to find z3b. whatever. the one i find first. ah! there you are, y7s.
- z3b, where are you?
no reason to shout, no reason to dial his number, to go find where he lives.
or should i?
do i have my mind capability again?
yes, the virtual fire allowed the link.
let's send a message to the universe. hello universe. hey y7s, have you already done that?
- hug me, please, hug me my dear. i really need a big hug right now.

(you may follow this story here)

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