quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

y3g is not with me now, they're lost now somewhere in the world, and i think on them. where are they? are they well? when are we going to see each other? good question, not interesting really, they are in the palm of my hand, thinking on them and there they are, today i would rather be alone and they never leave me, what happened to those sweet days between the woods, the snow falling silently, or the sun breaking some fog, shining over our heads, and silence, just silence, and silence, and silence, just a little bird there trying to find something to eat, just a little snake rolling in the floor, snakes are usually unfriendly and yet, for some reason now i think on them and i see one, receiving a big hug from the sun, on its laziness, naked and all to receive more sun and become even more lazy, lazy, lazy, laziness, what a feeling, silent.
but instead, in the palm of my hand, it's impossible to forget how well my friends are. so they are, i am also for them.
they're not?
lost in my thoughts, forgetting to look, no sign from z3b. youtch remember. no, youtch don't remember. it's impossible to remember, i haven't said anything about, unless youtch know him outside my description. z3b became our friend during our last game. that, youtch may remember. no face, nothing, no real face, no virtual face, nothing. but our conversations were real, helped us a lot on the game and even after we laughed a lot, now is missing. y7s has sent me a message 'do you know something about z3b?'
- nope, nothing. do you have some other contact?
- nope
- he stopped being with us for a while and you are not new in here. what's the reason you are worried?
- i would like to tell him he's father now
- ...
- we made love once, you know
i know it's possible, but i still can't understand it very well. chemistry is amazing, our clothes also, they've never been together and suddenly they have a child of their own. she's earthian, he is martian. i am not talking about being closer, i know they've been close enough to play on an inner group, but they were at least separated by 100 meters. of that i am sure, i am looking right now the history of them on guhlemap. chemical adn exchange while each one alone in its own clothes dreaming about each other or not. i am amazed about it. science is really advanced, or should we consider it the opposite?
- what you have done is illegal, you know? the process you used is not currently established. how many voters were there to assume your decision?
- it was done through the surveillance of 2 million lfers and 3 million nlfers.
- huge. your proposal or his proposal?
- he proposed it
- and you didn't find that surprising?
- about?
- the number? huge number of voters. i haven't noticed anything. from where they have come, what kind of protocol, making it private and not published to the entire universe?
- i know, i don't understand. everything seemed so simple, but you're right. z3b is not a common number as we are, appears and disappears, everything's different with him, he's inside.
i lost y7s. i know why. some guardian was tracing our conversation and the word 'inside' made the break. she was interfering with the established order and soon i am going to be controlled. don't worry with me, it's not my first time, i can handle them.
but now i am worried for y7s. it's not my problem, but it's our problem. she is going to be mother through an illegal process, i know it is approved by a qualified decision, but the main decision maker has left and he's not traceable now. is it possible one of his lives was taken?
i can't decide what to do. calling y7s again. dead phone. of course. i leave a message to him, i know he's not going to receive it now. everything's off. who can tell me there's no firewall between me and the world, how can i know messages sent to y7s, sent and received, weren't instantly controlled, what if my last message was sent like i told youtch, but it was changed for an offensive one, y7s considered me offensive and has taken me away from her group of friends. i know, i'm rambling. not knowing what to do makes me think too much, too much means much worse usually. i'm not thinking well, i'm not thinking at all.
knock knock on the door
not surprised. i was expecting that already. a guardian there, taking me to see y7s on jail.
there she was on the sauna. ugly thing. what they do to us. taking us from our clothes and leaving us there, naked, the pool in front of us, the tennis court where 2 lfers play, the jacuzzi on the side of the pool where 3 other lfers are, waiting, nothing to do, boring. naked from our devices. how impossible life is on that way. there we are, guardians and us all together, but they're still protected like adam and eve on the paradise, their devices completing them, we're uncomplete, embarassed, lights on us, questions being made, what means inside.
- dont you know? that doesnt come on your guardian course?
- why don't you put the ' where it should be?
- and why would i write the right way if i have so much to do and you make me stay here, nothing to do, without understanding what do you want from me
- so many things we must do we never understand, do you think that is a good reason to reply and not write conveniently, don't you think i deserve some ' where they should be?

(you may follow this story here)

1 comentário:

  1. You have my head spinning tonight :-) This chapter is so much more convoluted than the last two...so much going on with these characters from your vivid imagination. Looking forward to more and thanks for not forgetting lerrnsthursday !
