quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

i am going, don’t push me so hard, i am going with you.
don’t you see the door is closing? we must go before the wall is closed, we can’t go back never again.
i told you i am lost. i am walking, sincerely i am running really fast, but the door i can see now seems to be moving, i am running after the door but the door moves faster than me.
and you keep pushing me. you are always pushing me.
all swet, the glasses on the bedside table, the word chptlk on a paper.
i remember.
that… i remember.
the paper on the side of the bed, always waiting a new idea. ideas. why do i need new ideas? i don’t know, if i knew it wouldn’t be a completely new idea. why the paper? how is it possible i haven’t used no other instrument? so many and so few, all i have to do is to think and everything becomes written, published to the entire universe. but there it is, the paper written with blue ink, my favorite. soft blue, almost green. the color is more interesting than the letters. i used that code so often i use it on my dreams also, and it astonishes me. to be true, that’s my first time this happens to me. so many years waiting for this moment and there it is: a word written during a dream i don’t remember. or do i? a few ideas come to mind. cheap talk or… chip talk? i hope it wasn’t the first one, why have i tried so hard this codes? maybe without so much training i would have written the complete idea instead of a small and meaningless word. i must remember what it means. or maybe it is just a description, not a new idea at all. following the cheap talk idea i won’t go further. 99% is a cheap talk. and yet, where would we go completely silent? i mean, not only silence of not providing any conversation at all, i mean the silence provided for the complete absence of movement, imagine if the universe is a space without entropy. no entropy, no cheap talk for sure, but surely also no evolution what so ever.
let us go back to the other solutions. chip talk or chips talk. chip is better, works better with my world, chips goes more in direction of food and that goes better to the idea of a cheap talk. but chip…
i am sending a message to my cfriends. they are always doing something interesting with words. they can find a good idea for the idea i had i don’t remember or better, i have a wonderful lead to my complete absence of ideas.
an answer already. what a wonderful world this is. waking up from a dream or a nightmare or something else, for the swet i would probably bet on a nighmare, and here i am discovering more of myself, of what was some of my past.
stop doing this, x0p. you are breaking the rule 1013 of our main code. past is not allowed on messages.
ok, no answer. always the rules. rules and codes. codes and rules.
what am i? a coded being inside a matrix of codes and beings.
but messages are working. i was capable of breaking a rule without being disconnected. the first time we saw that was done by y2s on chapter 6, but now i was capable of doing it too. the system is becoming more flexible. probably some upgrade, otherwise it is some bug.
if it is an upgrade, i am already being checked. if it is a bug, maybe there’s a reason to see that door moving away from me.
i am going to explain the idea. do you remember joe?
hey, narrator, we don’t want you here. what kind of story do you think this is? narrators are not allowed in here. we must resolve all misteries for ourselves, we don’t want a narrator to simplify the story. go away, we don’t want you here.
sorry, all I wanted was to give you a little explanation…
go out immediately, don’t you understand? we don’t want you here explaining anything!
… but…
that’s right, stay where you are, everything is going to be understood on the right moment, each person to his job, and you must stay where you are, quietly, waiting for our actions and silently giving us some help if by any chance we miss our talks.
if you say each person to his job, my job is to be narrator, don’t you remember? and you don’t allow me to narrate.
but go back to your memories, you were hired as a silent narrator. your job is to be a narrator, we say everyone you narrate and you narrate, that’s all. stay where you are.
ok, sorry, from now on i am trying not to interrupt you again. sorry.
youtch know, y2s is somewhat strong defending her ideas, i haven’t enjoyed very much how she treated the narrator, but she is right, there is no reason for now to use him. there he is, on the corner, eating some popcorns.
y2s, by the way, is my guest for a while. i haven’t told youtch but now i introduce her to you. we met on a summer, a great summer it was, we met each other on an italian beach.
a cruise through the Mediterranean sea. y2s always finds me now, but on that day i was the one who found her. she is a special agent, i can’t tell you of which kind because it is the secret kind, on that day i was a special agent also, of a different kind but also of the secret kind, and we were spying on each other. youtch know what happens when we spy, it has a good chance we become voyeurs and that’s what happened. from that to meet each other was another step. And i can tell you what wonderful vacations we had. that was a reason for a movie, have youtch seen up in the air with george clooney? things happen when least expected.
my friend y2s is here and we have a common project to solve. please don’t worry too much, we are only defining the rules for a new world without rules. stay tuned, good ideas come when least expected. where have i heard that? on the last paragraph? ah ok sorry i am repeating myself don’t worry too much

(you may follow this story here)

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