quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

the one from the left was going just a small step in front, leading the group. with that exception, the eight were running in line, completely occupying the sidewalk. on all trees, big trees planted in the sidewalk near the road, the second one, the one on the side of the one who was leading the group, or if youtch prefer the one who was on the left or otherwise the one who was one small step in front, this guy, the second one, had to stop walking, wait the others go by the tree, and then run for a while, it doesn't matter if he went through the left or through the right of the tree, the question is he did it so often he was a little tired of that problem and asked to the group who would like to change places with him. the group stopped immediately.
not the group, not immediately the group. the one who stopped immediately was the guy on the left. the others did the small step he had ahead of them and they finally were in a perfect line, all stopped in the same position.
a great discussion was done between them. they were all thinking the advantages and disadvantages but finally they all decided there was no advantage at all to change places with the second one, youtch know, the one who asked if someone was available to change places with him, exactly the one who was always going against a tree and always having to stop and make a small run to catch up.
they all shaked their heads and decided to continue but the second one took the lead and said
they all waited.
a silence was made.
and again silence.
the first one, youtch know, the one who was used to lead, the one from the left, was tired of being there, stopped and by the way it was a sunny day, it was a great sunny summer day near the river, the reason why they were all walking with their heads turned more or less 45 degrees to the right, the best position to walk without stepping anything wrong and having a great view of the river. the second one, the guy who was going against trees all the time, he was using a head turned more or less 30 degrees, considering the serious effects of going against a tree, and being able anyway to see the river. a beautiful river by the way. but the first one, tired of being there, he decided to start walking.
he did a small step.
the others, not exactly all the others, the second one, or if youtch prefer the first one of the others, stood where he was, silent and quiet. the others, with the exception of that one, the first one of the others, or if youtch prefer, the second one of them all, the guy who was always going against the trees, not exactly because he had some preference with the trees, simply because the trees were there exactly on the position where he was and considering noone was interested in changing places with him, the six others from the right to be more precise, they were thinking about moving but then they saw the first one with a small step ahead and the second one stopped and there they stood, the right foot in the air, the left leg in the floor, and they had to decide if the right foot should go down in front, making a small step ahead, or should go down back again, not making any step at all.

(you may follow this story here)

1 comentário:

  1. You have my head spinning again with this chapter. I was waiting for the story of the baby to continue :) Or joe's. I want to live inside your head for a little while.
