sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

a small detail, a huge situation. we are writing the document, but it seems endless. youtch know we aren’t doing it from the beginning, it’s being written by everyone since the beginning of the civilization. it’s ageless. but i have this feeling i am doing it for the first time. well, it is the first time for me. that’s why i feel that way.
our eyes looked on each other, i noticed you don’t feel so confident today. each day is different, i know. i feel each day the same way you feel it too.
i agree with you, we have been completing faster the document lately, since we decided not to write or verbalize anything about it. through several processes it’s being updated and incorporated. routinely understood, routinely incorporated. after all we are not producing any document at all, youtch already have produced it, we are just continuously understanding the idea, and through several processes, everything becomes easier. there’s no explanation for a logical explanation. otherwise it wouldn’t be logical.
or a logical explanation is a pleonasm. if it’s not logical, it isn’t an explanation for sure.
z3b is connected with me and with y2s. we are discussing for a while a few ideas but he seems worried about something. he’s not focused. y2s notices the same.
- what’s going on, z3b? on what are you thinking about? you are not focused
- i am sorry, i don’t see y7s since the moment we were together with the healthengineer. i would like to know if everything’s fine with her and the baby
- curious you mention it. the last time we were together she was worried because she didn’t know how to find you. now happens the opposite. any reason to be concerned?
- the fact you mention. we were supposed to connect frequently but suddenly she disappeared without a trace.
- unbelievable. you both are capable of doing the same.
- and you probably already know i am toxic to her and she may be affected.
- we know that, what we don’t know is why you did what you did, considering what you know.
- … there are two kinds of dangers, and the first one you mention is not so severe as the second one.
- are you worried with the danger of ambiguity or the danger of endless loop?
- to be honest, i haven’t thought of those problems. are you solving them?
you don’t know, that means you are not on the group. i like to see you thinking about problems we already solved. it’s not bad, maybe you can find different solutions for the same problems. or otherwise you are on a different group, that is a problem indeed, how to share information between groups, being ethical and in between being capable of extending information. The information flows faster than ethics, for some reason we always say if we know how to do it, it’s going to be done. considering the recent evolution of our species, we should say if we know how to do it, then if we already know the implications of doing it, then it’s going to be decided if it’s going to be done.
but the economic issues, always the economy.
why am i wondering about economy? when was the last time we used that word? there was a money war, youtch remember? don’t you? i know you remember. everyone was thinking about money. money and gifts. gifts and money. and there was a reward for the richest man on earth. the race started and it was something unbelievable. i don’t believe youtch don’t remember. youtch must remember.
-x0p, what are you thinking? you are more stoned than z3b.
- thank you, y2s, i was thinking about an old stuff. can you believe i was wondering about money?
- ugghhh… don’t remind me. i am glad to know we were capable of finding a solution to mix leadership and spirituality. the economic philosophy was poor on helping our civilization. ambiguous and irreversible. or otherwise was what our ancestors thought.

(you may follow this story here)

1 comentário:

  1. I was wondering when you would bring y7s and the baby back into the story. "..the danger of ambiguity or the danger of endless loop.." great question. Hope to see Joe back in the story again too...his tale was getting very interesting.
