quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

And i catch youtch off guard, missing the reading that fascinates youtch, steeped in the words that absorb the space and time youtch have to go out, to look out the window.
i wake youtch up of this dream in which youtch dip by asking youtch an opinion. and youtch, now awake, youtch are sincere and with a sweet and wide smile youtch give me what i asked.
youtch still smile and i give youtch back the smile.
youtch still smile and i give youtch back the smile.
i embarrass myself. why do youtch keep that smile?
i touch youtch in the face. your cheek does not respond as i expected. your skin does not sag under my pressure. youtch limit yourself to keep the smile, your eyes look through me for an horizon i don’t know, and youtch don’t see me, and i don’t know youtch either.
i look at a statue. your skin does not sag like if it was made of stone. does not sag, like a statue. but my hand, which stays in your face, has not diminished its heat, as would happen if your face was made of stone.
if your face was made of stone, you'd be a statue, but in reality i look to half statue, or two thirds of statue if we understand from the statue the characteristics of stiffness and silence, but you lack the cold that should be present at this time, not being the sun warming you up where i touch you, should i feel in the palm of the hand the difference in temperature of our bodies.
i speak of bodies because i do not know how to call youtch. should be by your name, i could do it a few moments ago, but now i can not designate youtch by your name. your name is dear to me, but what youtch are now, or what you are not, unknown, i can’t connect your name to the body-statue which now youtch embody (statuody?).
i don’t just touch youtch in the face, i try other areas that respond to my touch, not even where i was sure youtch would give me a signal i am successful, all i can do is to give up, we were talking and suddenly it was finished, you finished, i lost youtch, seeing youtch, touching youtch.
i look out the window. i Come closer.
i look out the window.
i see a lake that mirrors emotions.
i turn around waiting for something new, i want to wake up and go back to pronounce your name.
but youtch aren’t anymore in the two-thirds of the statue.
sorry, but i don’t know what else i can do, i am going to walk out that door and try to understand what happened. if it was the world that stopped or it was only youtch. or it was only me.
youtch are where youtch are and i am where i am. youtch know short moments can be long. they are beautiful opportunities.
and now, now i want to dance, dance, just dance, and an hour is gone.
and the words are gone, everything’s gone like if it was the wind, everything goes, but never, the look of your eyes.
and i, still dancing, go to a place where i can eat an appetizer and drink a glass of wine, and there, seated at the table, can watch the amazing view to the lake. she walked away not seeing me. i ask for her name. i don’t know what she told me, but i liked what i heard. just the smile i keep. while she kept smiling peacefully to me, i could see her eyes, the face and the hair, i caressed the mind with her image, i became young and passionate and romantic again.
and waking up from the chair where i am, the lake goes away of my horizon, the horizon is the ship of a few days ago, that one i told you about, places allowing people to walk over the water, and with the sun behind, that vessel i mentioned is still there, like a 3d movie where two stories are told at the same time, and thinking of it it’s more than two stories, so many stories are mixed in the same story we can’t count them, but then again they are mixed because they are not new stories, all the stories become the same, all of them remind me the first one.
how the first galaxy was created.
who cares?
the first galaxy. let’s ask to the carbon if it can tell us which one is the first. for that, someone must tell us how to differenciate a galaxy from the others. where is the dna of the galaxy, how can we distinguish one galaxy from the other being certain where we are.
and that, that is being done. youtch see the map of the world and youtch can say, with no doubt, the river that crosses your region is the same that passed 100 years ago, or not, and that's because exists the possible not this idea is true. but that little place where youtch jumped once, and swimmed to the other side, that precise one where youtch kissed your first time, is it still there? is it?
or is it one meter away? the leaf youtch see there, that bush youtch see now is the same, but on the other side youtch can see another one. now there are two, not the same one youtch remember. and if that one youtch still remember is still there, it is already a reason to be happy.
now, with that in mind, let’s map the galaxy. let’s just forget the other ones, we live on this one. the stars youtch can see youtch already can count, are exactly on the precise place, from the bush where youtch kissed your first time and where youtch looked and saw that little star youtch still remember and youtch still can see when you decide to look at the sky.

(you may follow this story here)

1 comentário:

  1. This is poignant and feels like loss. You write chapters wrapped in mystery, stories shrouded in silence, words with hidden meanings. All leading to anticipation for the next lerrnsthursday :)
