sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2009


today is the day tostart enumerating this blog. all titles are usually made up of characters, which probably makes them easier to read. however, little by little i came to the conclusion that a title does not reflect the content of the text ... and there are a number of other aspects that i could also describe to defend it but this is not the goal on this actual moment.
in fact, what makes me to enumerate the titles is that i like numbers. could even be sequential sets of letters, but that would be fooling myself and you, an alphanumeric sequence continues to be a number, a broad range of figures for the whole package of basic mathematical numbers commonly called the decimal system.
if i am wrong, please tell me.
you can analyze the numerical sequence in lerrnst avatar, with a daily circulation, let's say that just by thinking on the infinity which means daily circulation until the end of life and i'm already tired. let me put a little note here: there is no rule without exception. ok, now that i've authorized myself, to have some exceptions to the lifetime, i have peace of mind.
well, and you can follow lerrnst dxz9. also put up with descriptive titles until last week, but a numerical title simplifies the launch of new titles. i'm not clinging to the title, incidentally, was essentially why i did not write so often. i used to stay there looking at the white screen, all white, and now what title do i write? therefore could not pass this point.
solved this problem now is simple. just write.
and as i talk about numbers, next week i am going to explain to you what you already know but i do not know, so i hope in between or next week you tell me why the americans and the portuguese do not understand about the billions subject.

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