sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2009


seems like yesterday, but a week's gone and no reaction to provocation. or you realized or not. or you care or not. no problem. since you are ok.
the world, or their inhabitants, communicate in very different ways, which can even be considered good as the comparison of the differences build social and cultural ties.
somehow can be regarded as a language focused on comparative measures, probably more technical than social but not necessarily less social, is one that uses mathematical terms.
we are entering the field of science.
and when we speak of absolute values, whether or farhenheit degrees or centigrades, meters or inches, they all can result in the other and vice versa, according to the formulas of transformation that define them and link them in their differences and similarities.
but there is an absolute value that is widely used and perhaps that is often used incorrectly. you know perhaps the difference, but i've been wrong for a long time until i was well informed... and i can now tell you clearly to give you the opportunity to say to me: look! long ago that i know that!
specifically that: the billions, a number eventually more used in the financial markets, is used in many different situations with a subtle difference in zeros.
take the case of the inhabitants of the earth. when speaking of china, it is estimated that they are roughly a thousand million. let us stick to a thousand million.
help me, if you can confirm or deny this information. in other countries, i don't imagine what the meaning of billion, but i can tell you what a billion is in portugal:
one billion is a million of millions, i mean, when exhausted the units by the million, created the billion.
therefore, a thousand millions is a thousand millions. one billion is a million of millions.
and you say: i spent a week waiting for this?
and i say: do we agree or am i wrong?
and you say: and does it matter for what?
and i say: i do not know, but it was good that the billion was equal for all anywhere in the world
and you say: and now i'm waiting for what subject until next week?
and i say: thank you if you do not mind waiting. let me see. can be about christmas?
and you say: and why about christmas?
and i say: have you noticed that next saturday is christmas day?
and you say: you have already noticed, stop kidding with me
and i say: i am not kidding with you. merry christmas
and you say: ...

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