quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

i am confused, youtch know? youtch are me or am i youtch?
come on, we already decided that, don’t youtch remember?
nope, my friend, youtch are wrong. all the times we said it, we decided we don’t know that.
sometimes everything becomes upside down. isn’t it the reason why the world is round?
a good idea, no more no less. the world is round because we need to change our mind from time to time.
problem is the fact we practice sleeping when upside down. a reason for jetlag.
ok, now youtch explained the jetlag effect. i thought i heard the reason was somewhat different.
all explanations are good unless we find them bad. a bad explanation is a good explanation we don’t like.
youtch mean everything becomes explained just because there’s an explanation even if the explanation is bad?
a bad answer is better than no answer at all?
youtch are right on that.
what if i dislike a good explanation?
a good question. let me think about it. let’s see if i can tell youtch something about it on a chapter or two.
i wait, don’t worry.
p, disconnect immediately, i don’t want you in that world again. at least, not today.
s, b, 9a, g, 0a, see you later, alligator, remember the song?

turning this world off.
geena, today i am entirely yours. i am not going to this world again. at least, not today.
a reflection from this world, why do you call me p, geena? i am not p for you, i never was.
i know who you are, p, you always have been p, even if you never told me so, and i never called you p before.
i may accept you to call me p, but i am so distant of p, i don’t see why you should do it, and i can’t understand why you say i am p.
Don’t worry about it, we have an entire day for ourselves, let’s not think more about who we are. What name do you prefer i use to call you?
ok, my dear, you are dear to me, my dear, that’s the name i am going to use from now on.
my dear sweet honey.
hold on now, you are going too far. are we going to the movies? we don’t go to the movies for a long time.
let’s try an immersion in virtual reality.
are you mentioning an 8D groupal movie? i told you i want you in this world, dear, haven’t you heard me? you told me you wouldn’t go to another world again, at least not today.
i told you i wouldn’t go to that world again, at least not today. i haven’t told you we couldn’t go to another world.
you are playing with words and i don’t like it. i am inviting you to an old movie. i want to cry in your shoulder.
then, come to my house today. i am sure i can find a video we are going to enjoy seeing together.

(you may follow this story here)

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