quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

sit down, joe, sit down.
eyes on eyes, joe in front of me, at last.
we can finally do what we decide to do.
joe is looking to me, but he doesn't look with confidence. he's not completely confident. he looks at the glass of porto in his hands, another sip, a little more confidence, the soul comes out.
i take a glass to myself, now we both look at each other with a glass of porto in the hand.
on my right side, mark.
hello mark.
i look at mark with confidence and he gives me my confidence back, on just one look. on the right hand, a glass of porto.
on my left side, dan.
hello dan.
i look at dan with confidence but he's looking to mary. mary is looking to him. i can't look at dan, neither to mary.
sorry people i can't continue this meeting. no confidence enough.
mary and dan looked to me immediately.
i looked at dan with my left eye and to mary with my right eye.
i felt their confidence. they were confident and in love.
ok, people, we can continue.
i could feel the confidence on dan and mary, but mark and joe were not so confident now. they were looking to me with an interrogation in the eyes.
i take the full glass of porto and serve myself of another glass. i take that second round immediately.
everyone follows me.
ok, we are all entirely confident now. call the guy.
when x0p came inside the room, mary, dan, mark and joe stood seated in their chairs.
i invited x0p to sit on the vacant place, near mary.
x0p kissed mary on the face, hello people to everyone else.
are you prepared to go with mary on a mission?
mister, i don't now your name, i don't know the name of your guys, but while you don't give me a glass of what you are drinking, i can't go anywhere else.
that, is acceptable.
dan picked a glass and served x0p.
from my point of view, x0p was full of confidence even without the porto in front of him. but now, tasting it, the first expression was "what is this?".
5 voices were heard at the same time, "porto".
ok, said x0p, porto it is, you may not believe me, but this is the first time i taste it.
and what do you think of it? we 5 said, perfectly tuned.
he tasted it again, a small sip and a big smile.
it's very good, it's very good indeed.

(you may follow this story here)

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