quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

it’s missing two days and i am already writing to youtch. you can go back to the beginning of a maybe or start again in the direction youtch like from the index.
from some reason i am always stuck in here. going forward into the future i find myself in the same place and looking inside the past everything becomes the same and repeats itself. i remember the sunday when you were looking inside me, asking questions about everything and finding answers inside yourself. i remember also the last thursday, when we discussed the probability of reincarnation and we studied a formula to go inside the light and from there find an equation to go through the limits of space.
youtch know i don’t know what i am talking about. youtch are right. i can’t talk about understanding light or space, i can’t talk neither about the small difference between light and radio frequency.
all i can talk about is emotion. emotion is faster than light. no one else tried to find the beginning of the universe as an explosion of emotions. emotion as the most inner content of a cell. but we are speaking here about a new equation. emotion is an expression of a sensation, can’t be encapsulated in cells, can’t be divided in fragmented cells, or am i wrong? i am leaving to youtch, more prepared to investigate further, how right or wrong can be the solution of the creation of the universe if we were once one only emotion. the entire sum of universes as only one emotion. big ego we have right?
egocentric is the solution if we are prepared to solve an equation as if we were the center of the universe. but there is no reason to think otherwise. even if we think about us as a small quantity of universes, disconnected or not so centric from a bigger structure of connections of universes, or even some different model unknown to us considering the error of egocentrism, we would be anyway part of the model, so, how can we call egocentrism to a feeling? and being a feeling an emotion, egocentrism is again the most creative expression of our most inner self.
and if by any chance youtch don’t understand the creation of this idea, don’t worry about that, it’s not your problem. for better or worse, i am wrong or i am not capable of transmitting the perfect core of this idea.
so i rephrase it: joining all the knowledge i was capable of understanding until now, i am sharing to youtch the idea of emotion as the basic core of everything. thinking about the most smallest particle known, what ingredient makes this particle? emotion, the reason why humans are 70% made of water and 100% made of emotion(s?).

(you may follow this story here)

1 comentário:

  1. Am I wrong or are your characters becoming more human, despite their belief to the contrary? This is quite a journey.
