quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

to find the beauty of the moment, writing to you while you play to me, beautiful as ever but more beautiful today, i look at you and while i undress you, i see you holding the instrument between your knees, the chords fly and you play, looking up, never looking at me.
the lights above on the dark room, the empty room crowded with empty chairs.
and if only once you noticed my eyes looking at you, we would be in love forever. but i, forever in love, i'm hidden between the dark lights, the dark surrounds me and i feel surrounded by darkness and for your music, an harmony completed everytime you forget the sky and look inside me.
and your music, your music is there, details and sound, until you stop.
with your eyes closed, you wait.
and while you wait, the silence dances. everywhere.
i see the dance of the silence like a new style of music. you move around the room, with your eyes closed, and i know you are exactly on the same place. you haven't moved, embraced to your instrument, you dance the silent dance, and i see you dancing, dancing with you seated in my chair, and the ladies and gentlemen, those who forgot to come today, their chairs claiming for them, they are dancing also with me, surrounding me them too, all the chairs are dancing, and the carpet.
and you start again. you start again and i stop dreaming. i open my eyes again and your eyes are open looking at me, and finally we, only we both, only we are dancing, everyone is where should be, and we are where we should be either, we are looking to ourselves while dancing embraced, while you play your favorite instrument, and i feel like kissing, i feel your lips.
outside this room, the moon was absent for some time, today. precisely where we are, but outside this room, the day came to say goodbye to the moon, and when the day was saying hello, he was't capable to see the expected moon, she was hidden on the least expected space, you and me, we both know where she was, youtch know either, but it is our global secret, only we humans know about this secret, no one else knows about it and we are going to keep it as our most secret human secret.
going in your direction, not thinking on the moon, not thinking about the day going away, not thinking about anything at all, just going in your direction, i tried to follow a new road and in this direction i need to go to the left and to the right and again to the left and again to the right and with so many curves i find myself without gas and in the pumpstation i find what i need to the car and to me.
through the glass, looking to the stadium we are capable of discussing context and field, and in both directions we still are lost, and being lost, we find our most inner self. maybe the reason why today no more directions are considered. the end. of this story? nope. the lerrnstory1 is neverending. later or sooner.

(you may follow this story here)

1 comentário:

  1. A beautiful chapter and I'm happy to hear that this isnt the end of the lerrnstory.
