quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

the one from the left was going just a small step in front, leading the group. with that exception, the eight were running in line, completely occupying the sidewalk. on all trees, big trees planted in the sidewalk near the road, the second one, the one on the side of the one who was leading the group, or if youtch prefer the one who was on the left or otherwise the one who was one small step in front, this guy, the second one, had to stop walking, wait the others go by the tree, and then run for a while, it doesn't matter if he went through the left or through the right of the tree, the question is he did it so often he was a little tired of that problem and asked to the group who would like to change places with him. the group stopped immediately.
not the group, not immediately the group. the one who stopped immediately was the guy on the left. the others did the small step he had ahead of them and they finally were in a perfect line, all stopped in the same position.
a great discussion was done between them. they were all thinking the advantages and disadvantages but finally they all decided there was no advantage at all to change places with the second one, youtch know, the one who asked if someone was available to change places with him, exactly the one who was always going against a tree and always having to stop and make a small run to catch up.
they all shaked their heads and decided to continue but the second one took the lead and said
they all waited.
a silence was made.
and again silence.
the first one, youtch know, the one who was used to lead, the one from the left, was tired of being there, stopped and by the way it was a sunny day, it was a great sunny summer day near the river, the reason why they were all walking with their heads turned more or less 45 degrees to the right, the best position to walk without stepping anything wrong and having a great view of the river. the second one, the guy who was going against trees all the time, he was using a head turned more or less 30 degrees, considering the serious effects of going against a tree, and being able anyway to see the river. a beautiful river by the way. but the first one, tired of being there, he decided to start walking.
he did a small step.
the others, not exactly all the others, the second one, or if youtch prefer the first one of the others, stood where he was, silent and quiet. the others, with the exception of that one, the first one of the others, or if youtch prefer, the second one of them all, the guy who was always going against the trees, not exactly because he had some preference with the trees, simply because the trees were there exactly on the position where he was and considering noone was interested in changing places with him, the six others from the right to be more precise, they were thinking about moving but then they saw the first one with a small step ahead and the second one stopped and there they stood, the right foot in the air, the left leg in the floor, and they had to decide if the right foot should go down in front, making a small step ahead, or should go down back again, not making any step at all.

(you may follow this story here)

sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

a small detail, a huge situation. we are writing the document, but it seems endless. youtch know we aren’t doing it from the beginning, it’s being written by everyone since the beginning of the civilization. it’s ageless. but i have this feeling i am doing it for the first time. well, it is the first time for me. that’s why i feel that way.
our eyes looked on each other, i noticed you don’t feel so confident today. each day is different, i know. i feel each day the same way you feel it too.
i agree with you, we have been completing faster the document lately, since we decided not to write or verbalize anything about it. through several processes it’s being updated and incorporated. routinely understood, routinely incorporated. after all we are not producing any document at all, youtch already have produced it, we are just continuously understanding the idea, and through several processes, everything becomes easier. there’s no explanation for a logical explanation. otherwise it wouldn’t be logical.
or a logical explanation is a pleonasm. if it’s not logical, it isn’t an explanation for sure.
z3b is connected with me and with y2s. we are discussing for a while a few ideas but he seems worried about something. he’s not focused. y2s notices the same.
- what’s going on, z3b? on what are you thinking about? you are not focused
- i am sorry, i don’t see y7s since the moment we were together with the healthengineer. i would like to know if everything’s fine with her and the baby
- curious you mention it. the last time we were together she was worried because she didn’t know how to find you. now happens the opposite. any reason to be concerned?
- the fact you mention. we were supposed to connect frequently but suddenly she disappeared without a trace.
- unbelievable. you both are capable of doing the same.
- and you probably already know i am toxic to her and she may be affected.
- we know that, what we don’t know is why you did what you did, considering what you know.
- … there are two kinds of dangers, and the first one you mention is not so severe as the second one.
- are you worried with the danger of ambiguity or the danger of endless loop?
- to be honest, i haven’t thought of those problems. are you solving them?
you don’t know, that means you are not on the group. i like to see you thinking about problems we already solved. it’s not bad, maybe you can find different solutions for the same problems. or otherwise you are on a different group, that is a problem indeed, how to share information between groups, being ethical and in between being capable of extending information. The information flows faster than ethics, for some reason we always say if we know how to do it, it’s going to be done. considering the recent evolution of our species, we should say if we know how to do it, then if we already know the implications of doing it, then it’s going to be decided if it’s going to be done.
but the economic issues, always the economy.
why am i wondering about economy? when was the last time we used that word? there was a money war, youtch remember? don’t you? i know you remember. everyone was thinking about money. money and gifts. gifts and money. and there was a reward for the richest man on earth. the race started and it was something unbelievable. i don’t believe youtch don’t remember. youtch must remember.
-x0p, what are you thinking? you are more stoned than z3b.
- thank you, y2s, i was thinking about an old stuff. can you believe i was wondering about money?
- ugghhh… don’t remind me. i am glad to know we were capable of finding a solution to mix leadership and spirituality. the economic philosophy was poor on helping our civilization. ambiguous and irreversible. or otherwise was what our ancestors thought.

(you may follow this story here)

quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

i am going, don’t push me so hard, i am going with you.
don’t you see the door is closing? we must go before the wall is closed, we can’t go back never again.
i told you i am lost. i am walking, sincerely i am running really fast, but the door i can see now seems to be moving, i am running after the door but the door moves faster than me.
and you keep pushing me. you are always pushing me.
all swet, the glasses on the bedside table, the word chptlk on a paper.
i remember.
that… i remember.
the paper on the side of the bed, always waiting a new idea. ideas. why do i need new ideas? i don’t know, if i knew it wouldn’t be a completely new idea. why the paper? how is it possible i haven’t used no other instrument? so many and so few, all i have to do is to think and everything becomes written, published to the entire universe. but there it is, the paper written with blue ink, my favorite. soft blue, almost green. the color is more interesting than the letters. i used that code so often i use it on my dreams also, and it astonishes me. to be true, that’s my first time this happens to me. so many years waiting for this moment and there it is: a word written during a dream i don’t remember. or do i? a few ideas come to mind. cheap talk or… chip talk? i hope it wasn’t the first one, why have i tried so hard this codes? maybe without so much training i would have written the complete idea instead of a small and meaningless word. i must remember what it means. or maybe it is just a description, not a new idea at all. following the cheap talk idea i won’t go further. 99% is a cheap talk. and yet, where would we go completely silent? i mean, not only silence of not providing any conversation at all, i mean the silence provided for the complete absence of movement, imagine if the universe is a space without entropy. no entropy, no cheap talk for sure, but surely also no evolution what so ever.
let us go back to the other solutions. chip talk or chips talk. chip is better, works better with my world, chips goes more in direction of food and that goes better to the idea of a cheap talk. but chip…
i am sending a message to my cfriends. they are always doing something interesting with words. they can find a good idea for the idea i had i don’t remember or better, i have a wonderful lead to my complete absence of ideas.
an answer already. what a wonderful world this is. waking up from a dream or a nightmare or something else, for the swet i would probably bet on a nighmare, and here i am discovering more of myself, of what was some of my past.
stop doing this, x0p. you are breaking the rule 1013 of our main code. past is not allowed on messages.
ok, no answer. always the rules. rules and codes. codes and rules.
what am i? a coded being inside a matrix of codes and beings.
but messages are working. i was capable of breaking a rule without being disconnected. the first time we saw that was done by y2s on chapter 6, but now i was capable of doing it too. the system is becoming more flexible. probably some upgrade, otherwise it is some bug.
if it is an upgrade, i am already being checked. if it is a bug, maybe there’s a reason to see that door moving away from me.
i am going to explain the idea. do you remember joe?
hey, narrator, we don’t want you here. what kind of story do you think this is? narrators are not allowed in here. we must resolve all misteries for ourselves, we don’t want a narrator to simplify the story. go away, we don’t want you here.
sorry, all I wanted was to give you a little explanation…
go out immediately, don’t you understand? we don’t want you here explaining anything!
… but…
that’s right, stay where you are, everything is going to be understood on the right moment, each person to his job, and you must stay where you are, quietly, waiting for our actions and silently giving us some help if by any chance we miss our talks.
if you say each person to his job, my job is to be narrator, don’t you remember? and you don’t allow me to narrate.
but go back to your memories, you were hired as a silent narrator. your job is to be a narrator, we say everyone you narrate and you narrate, that’s all. stay where you are.
ok, sorry, from now on i am trying not to interrupt you again. sorry.
youtch know, y2s is somewhat strong defending her ideas, i haven’t enjoyed very much how she treated the narrator, but she is right, there is no reason for now to use him. there he is, on the corner, eating some popcorns.
y2s, by the way, is my guest for a while. i haven’t told youtch but now i introduce her to you. we met on a summer, a great summer it was, we met each other on an italian beach.
a cruise through the Mediterranean sea. y2s always finds me now, but on that day i was the one who found her. she is a special agent, i can’t tell you of which kind because it is the secret kind, on that day i was a special agent also, of a different kind but also of the secret kind, and we were spying on each other. youtch know what happens when we spy, it has a good chance we become voyeurs and that’s what happened. from that to meet each other was another step. And i can tell you what wonderful vacations we had. that was a reason for a movie, have youtch seen up in the air with george clooney? things happen when least expected.
my friend y2s is here and we have a common project to solve. please don’t worry too much, we are only defining the rules for a new world without rules. stay tuned, good ideas come when least expected. where have i heard that? on the last paragraph? ah ok sorry i am repeating myself don’t worry too much

(you may follow this story here)

quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2011


(if by any chance you missed the beginning of the greatest event of 2011, you can start reading it here, where the first lerrnstory starts)

index ( is it possible? otherwise it is just a memoir, i am somehow lost in here)

page 1 - the narrator introduces x0p and his friends
page 2 – x0p
page 3
page 4
page 5
page 6
page 7 - joe
page 8
page 9
page 10
page 11
page 12 – where we are now
page 13
page 14
page 15
page 16
page 17
page 18 - the mission

well, today is lerrnsthursday, it wouldn’t be a complete lerrnsthursday day if there wasn’t something more than simply the index. let’s continue with x0p.

you are mine, x0p, finally we meet.
i am surprised. or not. i am not surprised. you always found me.
why don’t you ever reply to my messages?
how could i? i was surprised with your messages all the time. messages inside messages.
so, you have received them.
i received your messages and i have searched the world to find you, but you weren’t in any frequence, never. but you found me. your power is bigger.
bigger or lower, what matters? what really matters is we finally found each other.
go on, tell me exactly what are you thinking, i know you aren’t here just because of my eyes. i know that.
but i am here because of your eyes.
have you ever heard of this silence? it started when? where are we going? is it really because of my eyes? world, oh, world, the world, how can we go faster on this ball covered of water?
islands. we live in small islands. islands continents. the world divided in big groups. spaceships. we are living in spaceships prepared to depart if by any chance the planet explodes. well, not exactly the planet, just the surface. or even the entire planet. stareurope is lost? the other sides of the world are well prepared to go on, on that trip around the universe.
stars. not spaceships anymore. artificial stars landing on the surface of planets. how did we become like this? i remember when this decision was taken. all history books mention it. i know youtch don’t need that mention, youtch studied it too, but i like it, sorry if i am so repetitive. there was a war between the occident and the orient, yes, that’s right, when there still was the orient and the occident. there were five continents. asia, africa, north america, south america, antarctica, europe, australia. hey, it was 7? on that time, there were three major competitions for resources: oil, gold, food and nuclear technology. i mentioned four? well, that’s because there were other different competitions, some abstract, others more linear, but the curious fact people was usually obsessed for the most bizarre needs. then something happened. a virtual global event was created and life became a game. everything was a game. and here we are now. discussing if it was a bing bang or some other possible explanation. the most curious is to find history divided between byoutch and ayoutch. youtch. the bing bang between the 7 abstract continents and its history (byoutch) and real artificial stars, where we all live now (ayoutch).
x0p, we must leave now, you must go with me, you know this is the moment to go.
i don't know where am i going, i have no idea, but she seems confident and i like her confidence. she seems to have an idea, and right now an idea is useful when there is none. where are we going on this room full of white walls, through this hallway without end like if we were leaving this universe and going on to another dimension?

(you may follow this story here)