domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009


Location map: Portugal (dark green) / European...Image via wikipedia

started this post on Friday 14th and the sole reason of having the delay of 1 day, avoided be a celebrated day for who believes in luck or chance days. but had nothing to do with the message, because the day itself can not be changed, i already thought when i was a kid days could be stretched and shrunk depending on the needs and especially in terms of cycles of the sun and the moon, but then i came to conclusion that it is only an illusion. everything that we are stretching is our effort to keep us awake, and like everything in life is based on experience, what is usually a reason not to sleep just by being able to sleep more. statistics show that those who sleep prolongs life, remains whether all of the life or life life, in that we do other things besides dreaming. for example, was writing this piece when i rembered i forgot to connect the zemanta and when connecting, he suggested me the image you see here on the side. i think: in fact it's very beautiful, long ago that i do not remember where it was portugal . this map is very interesting: portugal is dark green, light green the european union and dark gray is the europe that lacks to the european union. two or three notes: if the map is wrong, i apologize for not giving me the time to check, but by what i saw seemed to me that at least portugal was still at the same position. the colors tell a lot about the real situation, try to make a study of colors and their meanings.
again Friday, which has the curiosity to be a fair as opposed to two days following which are now almost done but have not had the advantage of being fair-day, my problem now will be translating this to English because neither the british nor a good part of the people have the slightest idea what i am talking about, first because they write in portuguese and in english because they have the sun and is not fair, which i think is very interesting especially if speaking of english in the UK, where the sun never appears. and, speaking of the sun, since it is very hot out there i will go immediately outside of the house, i mean: right now, i mean as soon as i can.
but you my friend you haven't understood this last translation because you do not understand portuguese, that's how i feel when i read your casual ordinary english of the streets or your englishnet. but let me help you a little: in portuguese week days are ended with feira/fair like monday is "segunda-feira" somethind like second fair, so for the same sequence you can read friday as sixth fair, but saturday and sunday is called sábado and domingo which has also a meaning but doesn't follow the fair sequence. so with that in mind you can understand the last code. the only problem is just that when i was writing in portuguese i thought in english of sunday and thought the english days had sun what is not really true, you always have day, not sun. so i wrote a big mistake and now i have to translate that to portuguese again. so next message in portuguese is not really a translation is more likely an explanation of what i was thinking while i wrote in english the translation of the last portuguese message.

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