terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2010


i wish i could change the words of voltaire, but now that i heard a few, i agree with him. the rocks and the sea are the only thing that remains. and we, we are like birds, now here tomorrow there, trying to find reasons.
explanations for nothing and yet, returning to rocks and to the sea, we always can find on each day something different to explain it. this could be called a prayer. who knows? science and evolution only mean, or should only mean, more confort, happinness and increasing of life expectancy.
gostava de mudar as palavras de voltaire, mas agora que ouvi algumas, concordo com ele.as rochas e o mar são a única coisa que perdura. e nós, nós somos como os pássaros, hoje aqui amanhã ali, procurando encontrar razões.
explicações para nada e no entanto, voltando às rochas e ao mar, podemos sempre encontrar em cada dia qualquer coisa diferente que o explique. o que pode ser uma oração. quem sabe? ciência e evolução apenas significam, ou deviam apenas significar, mais conforto, felicidade e aumento da esperança de vida.

sábado, 23 de outubro de 2010


what's happening with me about focus? 20101020 is past now and i already forget it?... come on let's put feet on earth. it seems every important subject is past now. as told before, there aren't no more problems on earth. let's recall liu xiaobo: but it's not important anymore. my head is full of indexes right now: china is going up on indexes and it seems every place in the world also. so it seems it's just a matter of time. one day we are all more closely connected on wealth, education, security.
let's go back to portugal. we have been increasing our value in very high human development, happy planet and so one. so, why some people discuss about bankruptcy? some mistake in here.
20101020 is just that. a date i hope never forget to remember everyone we are in XXI century. and it means THEN is already past.
it's time to think about TEN: think environment now.
o que me está a acontecer à atenção? 20101020 já é passado e eu esqueci-me?... tenho de pôr os pés na terra. parece que todos os temas importantes já são passado. como disse antes, já não existem mais problemas na terra. recordemos liu xiaobo: mas deixou de importante.a minha cabeça está cheia de índices neste momento: a china está a subir nos índices e parece que assim é em todos os locais da terra. portanto parece que é apenas uma questão de tempo. um dia vamos estar todos conectados em saúde, educação, segurança.
voltemos a portugal. temos vindo a aumentar o nosso valor em muito elevado desenvolvimento humano, planeta alegre e outros. portanto, qual o motivo para se discutir uma banca-rota? deve haver algum erro aqui.
20101020 é apenas isto. uma data que espero nunca esquecer para lembrar todos que estamos no século XXI. por isso THEN já faz parte do passado.
é tempo de pensar em TEN: think environment now (pensa ambiente agora).

domingo, 17 de outubro de 2010


i have a concrete opinion about china, but i can't tell you. i like them. if you are chinese, i like you. but anything more than this, i can't tell you. i don't agree with so many things, even if i agree with so many, i don't expect you agree with me always, but i expect you accept my different opinion. so i like you. but i like dalai lama also. i usually like nobel prize winners. so now i have a problem. i like you, chinese people, but it seems you don't like me because i like so many people. i'm sorry for that. please give me a list of the people i am allowed to like, please. maybe that helps me help you to like me.
tenho uma opinião concreta sobre a china, mas não posso dizer-te. eu gosto deles. se és chinês, eu gosto de ti. mas para além disto, não posso dizer-te. não concordo com tantas coisas, mesmo que acredite em outras tantas, não espero que concordes sempre comigo, mas espero que aceites a minha opinião distinta. ou seja, gosto de ti. mas também gosto do dalai lama. normalmente gosto de vencedores do prémio nobel. por isso agora tenho um problema. gosto de vocês, chineses, mas parece que não gostam de mim por eu gostar de tanta gente. peço desculpa por isso. por favor dêem-me uma lista das pessoas que estou autorizado a gostar. talvez isso me ajude a ajudar-vos a gostarem de mim.

sábado, 9 de outubro de 2010


let me remind you, if you weren't aware of the greatest event of this week: art of improvisation, with @diana605, @myth60 and this friend of yours. a kind of jazzpoetrytwittermoment happened and colors were decided. @myth60 chose white for @diana605, @diana605 chose red for me, and i chose pink for @myth60. what happened? check out in here (1, 2, 3) the jazzpoetrytwittermoment of @diana605, @myth60 and mine. i appreciate your attention. have fun.
deixem que vos informe, se não se aperceberam do evento maior desta semana: arte da improvisação, com @diana605, @myth60 e este vosso amigo. um tipo de momentojazzpoesiatwitter aconteceu e cores foram escolhidas. @myth60 escolheu branco para @diana605, @diana605 escolheu vermelho para mim, e eu escolhi rosa para @myth60. o que aconteceu? observa aqui (1, 2, 3) o momentojazzpoesiatwitter de @diana605, @myth60 e o meu. obrigado pela atenção. divirtam-se.

sábado, 2 de outubro de 2010


i can't escape this week to the great subject: portuguese consumption taxes are going to increase again. simply, something that was the reason of the last government fall, something the actual said never would do and did twice.
more music: U2 are in coimbra, leiria has more than 500 artists today.
and we are about to celebrate 100 years of republic. let's see some statistics about the president. it seems up to now we are having 19 presidentes:
9 we're shaven, but from 1911 until 1951, only one
it means we don't have anyone not shaved since 1951
so, if you want to be the next president, be careful. shave yourself, not even a moustache is allowed.
now i notice... up to now, no women?
não posso escapar esta semana a este grande assunto: as taxas ao consumo vão aumentar de novo. simplesmente, a razão que levou à última queda de governo, aquilo que este governo disse que nunca faria e fez duas vezes.
mais música: os U2 estão em coimbra e leiria tem entre portas mais de 500 artistas hoje.
e estamos a celebrar 100 anos de república. vejamos algumas estatísticas sobre o presidente. parece que até agora tivemos 19 presidentes:
9 eram barbeados, mas desde 1911 até 1951, apenas um
o que significa que nunca tivemos ninguém não barbeado desde 1951
portanto, se queres ser o próximo presidente, tem cuidado. barbeia-te, nem um bigode é permitido.
e agora reparo... até agora, nenhuma mulher?

sábado, 25 de setembro de 2010


the most difficult to do when we start to write is what to say. when it's written, there's no problem about it, it's all there. but before, what kind of idea are we going to put on paper/bits? what i do: i usually think about it. i read a lot of different things and after a while i say: it's all written. what am i going to do now? zip.
life is too interesting to be wasted.
i am glad to see everyone is converging. we are converging into space. out there there's so much to be discovered, on the direction of stars and to the bottom of the sea. science, the only reason why expectancy of life as doubled. ah! ... and washing hands.
... consciousness?
o mais difícil para fazer quando começamos a escrever é o que dizer. quando está escrito, não há qualquer problema, está ali. mas antes, que ideia vamos pôr no papel/bits? o que eu faço: normalmente penso nisso. leio algumas coisas diferentes e depois digo: está tudo escrito. o que vou fazer agora? zip.
a vida é demasiado interessante para ser desperdiçada.
estou satisfeito por ver que todos estão a convergir. nós convergimos para o espaço. lá fora há muito para ser descoberto, na direcção das estrelas e no fundo do mar. ciência, a única razão pela qual a esperança de vida dobrou. ah! ... e lavar as mãos.
... consciência?

domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010


for some reason, sometimes leiria is mentioned in here. the castle is a favorite issue and one of the most beautiful of the world. but if you are a foreigner who comes to portugal in a rush, s. jorge castle is a must. i mean, obviously, if the one in leiria is to far away and you don't have time enough to go there.
there are several differences, but the most important is: leiria is still undiscovered. lisbon, once al-uxbuna, has a beautiful castle prepared to receive everybody. specially prepared for the traveller, there you can have probably one of the most amazing views. probably the second one. you know which is the first.
por alguma razão, por vezes leiria é mencionada aqui. o castelo é um assunto favorito e um dos mais bonitos do mundo. mas se és forasteiro que chega a portugal com pressa, o castelo de s. jorge é obrigatório. quero dizer, obviamente, se o de leiria fica demasiado longe e não tens tempo para lá passar.
existem diversas diferenças, mas a mais importante é: leiria ainda está por descobrir. lisboa, em tempos al-uxbuna, te um maravilhoso castelo preparado para receber todos. especialmente preparado para o viajante, aí tens provavelmente uma das mais impressionantes vistas. provavelmente a segunda. tu sabes qual é a primeira.

sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010


not knowing exactly what to write today, why use words when a beautiful description is made by Diana.
we all need to remember enough to forget.
não sabendo o que escrever hoje, para quê usar palavras quando uma bonita descrição é feita por Diana.
todos precisamos de recordar o suficiente para esquecer.
tradução do texto de Diana:
Eu vivo numa pequena cidade periférica de uma grande cidade. Numa bonita tarde de sábado é usual ver a minha cidade fervilhando de actividade. Mas não hoje. à medida que eu caminhava pelas ruas, a cidade parecia deserta. Sombria. Bandeiras esvoaçando. Sossegada. Sim viam-se pessoas, mas nem sorrisos nem doces cumprimentos. Estariam todos a recordar hoje o medo ou o desânimo ou ambos?
Passeei pelo trilho perto da minha cassa, completei a minha corrida e sentei-me junto ao rio para me refrescar um pouco. Fechei os olhos e senti-me puxada para aquele dia, como se algo me tivesse agarrado pela camisa e me tivesse transportado no tempo. Vi-me em frente a um escritório onde um grupo de pessoas via televisão, parado no tempo. Lembro-me que depois de sermos enviados para casa do trabalho, o único espaço onde eu queria estar era na casa dos meus pais. A casa segura.
Como éramos arrogantes nessa altura, pensando que estes eventos nunca iriam ocorrer, quem diria, não era possible. Mas eram outros tempos. Agora, lição aprendida, é possível voltar a sonhar. Olho agora para o amanhã. Sair pela porta, passear pelas ruas e sentir vida nessas ruas de novo. Como me sinto afortunada por ter esta segunda chance."

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010


shine, shine, shine. i could tell you who cast these words through the walls of the castle, stimulating the echoes and the ears of the walls and of those who decided to join the castle, from all corners of the world, so we might find each other in the corners of the castle.
i could tell you but i will not go into details that blend subtle vocal qualities and lacy clothing monochrome inspiring.
i will not tell you because it has passed and in the memories stays the idea that there is no price to pay the nostalgia of seeing a unique castle, alive again.
a castle where we can be lost, not in corners or on companies or on the rocks in some places mixed with cement. lost ourselves in time and landscape, we remain at the window over the city, and being kings and poets, we distinguish what comes to us from outside and inside.
leiria. always there, the soul of the castle.
and we, there in the castle, the soul of leiria.
thanks, fade in, i don't know if who was there was gothic or not, or what songs were played, but the idea is just that, the idea that always remains.
today there is more. then we wait for the ENTREMURALHAS of the next year.
shine, shine, shine. podia dizer-te quem lançou estas palavras contra as paredes do castelo, estimulando os ecos e os ouvidos das paredes e daqueles que decidiram juntar-se ao castelo, vindos de todos os cantos do mundo, e assim nos pudemos encontrar nos recantos do castelo.
podia dizer-te mas não vou entrar em detalhes subtis que misturam qualidades vocais e rendilhados de roupas monocromáticas inspiradoras.
não vou dizer-te porque já passou e das memórias fica a ideia de que não há preço que pague a nostalgia de ver um castelo único, vivo de novo.
um castelo onde nos podemos perder, não é nos recantos nem nas companhias nem nas pedras que em alguns pontos se misturam com o cimento. perdemo-nos no tempo e na paisagem, ficamos ali, à janela sobre a cidade, e sendo reis e poetas, distinguimos o que nos chega de fora e de dentro.
leiria. sempre ali, a alma do castelo.
e nós ali, no castelo, a alma de leiria.
obrigado, fade in, em não sei se quem lá esteve era gótico ou não, nem as músicas que se tocaram, mas a ideia é isso mesmo, a ideia que sempre permanece.
hoje há mais. depois, ficamos à espera do ENTREMURALHAS do próximo ano.

quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010


reminder: ENTREMURALHAS happens tomorrow in Leiria.
during a conversation with a friend, fernando pessoa was discussed and something obvious to who checked his past (what i never did) he soon wrote in english while living in South Africa, and one of his oldest heteronyms is Alexander Search. So, it seems easy to find english books of this great writer.
Just to approach a little more, I am going to give you a random poetry of an english book from Alexander Search i have with me now:

i asked an automaton
what are you?
but he being a (...) machine
answered not

i asked another one
what are you It replied
a being great full of power
to whom nought is denied

the mechanism did fall
from the mind order it kept
& said no more at all
i found this funny and wept
nota: ENTREMURALHAS amanhã em leiria.
durante uma conversação com um amigo, fernando pessoa foi discuto e o que era óbvio para quem verificou o seu passado (o que eu nunca fiz) cedo ele escreveu em inglês enquanto vivia na áfrica do sul, e um dos seus heterónimos mais antigos é Alexander Search. Por isso, deve ser fácil encontrar livros em inglês deste grande escritor.
apenas para aproximar um pouco, coloco aqui uma poesia aleatória dum livro inglês de Alexander Search que tenho comigo agora:
perguntei a um autómato
tu o que és afinal?
mas ele, máquina sendo,
não me deu qualquer sinal.

perguntei depois a outro:
o que és? fui informado
que um ser grande e poderoso
a quem nada é recusado.

o mecanismo caiu
da mente que o regulava
e nada mais se lhe ouviu.
Cómico achando, eu chorava.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010


it was a summer evening of 26 july 2009, it was a sunday like it is today. but today, some days of august are part of the past now, it seems i somehow forgot the anniversary of this blog. and yet, so simple it was when started.
a year has passed and i am grateful for this year and for the people and avatars i met. who knows me well, knows i am always grateful to see the years go by. life is too short to not be fully taken, and yet, it's interesting to see politics use the expression "atomic bomb" when talking about a government fall proposed by the president.
let's recall gravity. crisis, crisis.
anyone believes a government fall is by any means like an atomic bomb?
and i am the poet...
era uma tarde de verão de 26 de julho de 2009, domingo como hoje. mas hoje, alguns dias de agosto já fazem parte do passado, parece que me esqueci do aniversário deste blog. e no entanto, era tão simples quando começou.
um ano passou e estou grato por este ano e pelas pessoas e avatares que conheci. quem me conhece bem, sabe que estou sempre grato por ver passar os anos. a vida é pequena de mais para não ser completamente aproveitada, e no entanto, é interessante ver políticos usarem a expressão "bomba atómica" quando falam sobre uma queda de governo proposta pelo presidente.
vamos recordar gravidade. crise, crise.
alguém acredita que uma queda de governo é de algum modo parecida com uma bomba atómica?
e eu é que sou o poeta...

sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010


my friends, today i don't really have nothing to say, but...
good weekend and have a good time!
does it say everything?
meus amigos, hoje não tenho realmente nada para dizer, mas...
bom fim de semana e tenham bons momentos!
isto diz tudo?

domingo, 25 de julho de 2010


this week, a week after being absent on a weekly written page, expecting you accept my apologies, i am writing again, and trying to make a long story short, equatorial guinea wishes to adhere to the cplp (community of countries of portuguese language), and, remembering nelson mandela and cavaco silva, barack obama and josé saramago, equatorial guinea, the only spanish language african country, particularly known for many not so good things, decides to join officially the portuguese language, the official language for freedom of speech and global human evolution. congratulations, equatorial guinea, discover portuguese now to be a human rights leader in the near future.
esta semana, uma semana após a ausência nesta página semanal, esperando que aceites as minhas desculpas, escrevo de novo, e procurando tornar curta uma longa história, a guiné equatorial pretende aderir à cplp (comunidade de países de língua portuguesa), e, lembrando nelson mandela e cavaco silva, barack obama e josé saramago, a guiné equatorial, o único país africano de língua espanhola, particularmente conhecido por muitas coisas não propriamente boas, decide juntar-se oficialmente à língua portuguesa, a linguagem oficial para a liberdade de expressão e evolução global humana. parabéns, guiné equatorial, descobre o português agora para seres líder dos direitos humanos no futuro próximo.

domingo, 11 de julho de 2010


it's not 10, probably not. or it is. let's just imagine i am american today. it's 10. yes it is... it's still 10. so there's nothing wrong about it, i am still writing today. on 10.
last week i used this blog to speak of soccer... football... soccer... well if i am still american... the only way i have to write right now on 10, i must have been speaking of soccer.
and spain is going to win or not ... it's been a terrible experience to make prognostics well not exactly considering they've been all correct... made after the game? are you sure?
let's talk about things that matter. ok. don't you mind waiting for next week? i'm in a rush to finish it before it's 11 on america!
não é 10, provavelmente não. ou é. vamos apenas imaginar hoje que sou americano. é 10. sim, é... ainda é 10. portanto não há nada de errado. ainda estou a escrever hoje. a 10.
a semana passada usei este blog para falar de futebol... futebol americano... futebol... bem se ainda sou americano... sendo a única forma que tenho agora de escrever a 10, devo estar a falar de futebol (ou seja, estas trocas só se aplicam mesmo no inglês!).
e a espanha vai vencer ou não... tem sido uma péssima experiência fazer prognósticos bem não exactamente considerando que todos foram correctos... depois do jogo? tens a certeza?
vamos falar de coisas que interessam. ok. não te importas de esperar pela próxima semana? estou com pressa de terminar antes que seja 11 na américa!

sábado, 3 de julho de 2010


last week, a final between portugal and brasil was predicted and it happened… on the day before. i never miss my predictions.
players of both teams became bored after the best game of the year and decided to ease life to the other teams.
after all, portugal and brasil together already sum five worldcup victories. it’s time to let the other teams win something on the field.
and speaking of field, on the second game, portugal got distracted and as usual world champion of roller hockey, started to score with the same frequency.
ah! my opinion about the best goal up to now? easy! the second one of england against germany. the best goal ever, perfect, never seen.

a semana passada, uma final entre portugal e brasil foi prevista e aconteceu… no dia anterior. eu nunca falho as minhas previsões.
os jogadores de ambas as equipas ficaram aborrecidos depois de jogarem o melhor jogo do ano e decidiram facilitar a vida às outras equipas.
afinal, portugal e brasil juntos somam já cinco vitórias em competições mundiais. é tempo de deixar outras equipas ganharem alguma coisa no campo.
e por falar em campo, no segundo jogo, portugal distraiu-se e como é habitual campeão mundial de hóquei em patins, começou a marcar com a mesma frequência.
ah! a minha opinião sobre o melhor golo até agora? fácil! O segundo da inglaterra contra a alemanha. o melhor golo de sempre, perfeito, nunca visto.

sábado, 26 de junho de 2010


it's been 21 days since the last post. and 21 was the day of the first 7. maybe it's not a good moment to speak of soccer, but after all soccer is a subject as good as others. a world subject, reason of discussions but also of great passions.
and we are still on the peace month, perpetually peaceful we hope.
and portugal keeps it's feeling... let's see... let's believe...
a final between portugal and brasil
passaram 21 dias desde a última mensagem. e foi no dia 26 que surgiu o primeiro 7. talvez não seja um bom momento para falar de futebol, mas afinal o futebol é um tema tão bom como os outros. um assunto mundial, motivo de discussões e também das maiores paixões.
e nós continuamos no mês da paz, perpetuamente pacíficos esperamos.
e portugal mantém o seu feeling... vamos ver... vamos acreditar...
uma final entre portugal e brasil

domingo, 6 de junho de 2010


june is the international peace month. there's no reason at all to not consider possible to extend june for an unlimited period of time. no reason is good enough to break peace again.
junho é o mês internacional da paz. não há qualquer razão para não considerar possível estender junho para um período ilimitado de tempo. nenhuma razão é suficientemente boa para quebrar a paz de novo.

sábado, 29 de maio de 2010


this week i want to share with you two different ideas coming from the same topic. space discovery.
this week news came from japanese trying to explore the moon with robots. americans prefer to do it with humans.
so, who do you think is going first and is capable of being there permanently?
esta semana partilho duas ideias distintas que partem do mesmo tópico. descoberta do espaço.
esta semana surgiram notícias dos japoneses a tentarem explorar a lua com robots. os americanos preferem fazê-lo com humanos.
quem pensas que irá primeiro e é capaz de se manter no espaço permanentemente?

sábado, 22 de maio de 2010


all reasons are good to remember an important species on the edge of extinction. the tuatara, one of the few living dinosaurs.
todas as razões são boas para recordar uma importante espécie em vias de extinção. o tuatara, um dos poucos dinossauros vivos.

domingo, 16 de maio de 2010


this week, the pope was in portugal, the taxes were increased and salaries decreased. and soccer (in portuguese is called football) is ending the season.
the oil keeps being thrown to the water.
everything is happening on the same time.
and still we have the volcano.
what path should i follow, which is the most important?
the oil keeps being thrown to the water.
do you have the solution?
go to deepwaterhorizonresponse

sábado, 8 de maio de 2010


words words words words words words words words
today is simply not the day
for words
not because words are missing nope words aren't missing
it's the moment the opportunity so much happening
people dying
people living in bad conditions
and what can a heart do
there's THEN - think of humanity and environment now
words words words words words words words words
today is simply not the day
for words
but i'm hearing music today. and today it is a very good day to hear music.
not too much, just a while.
thinking time.

sábado, 1 de maio de 2010


it's curious to go back in time and see everything already written until now.
so many directions, sometimes some focus.
and on a day when another disaster happened with oil going to sea, Maurício gives us another good video.
The explanation behind it, only him can give.
But to me, the focus is, again, on the careless way humans dispose of nature.
Everything is possible, if, always with conscience.

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010


this is not the day to be spontaneous.
it is just not the day.
this week - 2 days ago - we celebrated earth day.
earth day.
today we celebrate 20 years of hubble.
earth day.
and there's still a date in the future.
what future?
of earth or of humans?
and there's still a date in the future.
tic tac tic tac.
we're all busy doing the right things.
that's right.
we're all busy doing the right things we must do.
are we?
production - consumption
living around business.
with religion, religious fights.
without religion, we are just another animal species on the edge of extinction.
why can't different religions find their connection point?
it's not a religion problem. it is a problem of religious people.
ah! speaking of countries. there's still any around? what lines are you drawing on the world surface?

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


this text was supposed to be written on 17.
somehow it was started at 23h59 of 18.
it's not too late. it's not too soon.
it's late enough to me, because i thought i was going to write it on 17.
and exactly when i started to write, i didn't know nothing about what to say.
all i had in mind was the need to write.
a calendar.
an agenda. made by myself, to myself.
something to do, without a reason.
and you know: a week is over.
another week is over.
a strange feeling to know the world is expecting no words.
just a vulcan, a simple moment of expression the planet earth has to tell us all how simple life is.
it seems there is no harm to no one.
just earth talking to us.
just a little... big speech.

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010


i must warn you before you start reading: when i started writing i was trying to make a nojoke. but i wrote two nojokes and now that the moment comes to start writing... i don't feel in the mood to write language preciosisms. in fact, i always return to the point that i like to write about nothing... but i am not trying to bore you. i am just writing what i appreciate to write. and today i write about the fact i returned to cleaning words and words and more words i don't think i ever publish and are just occupying my space.
and that reminds me of my working desk. i always assure you i come here and never fail the ounctuality of the blog.
well, all i am doing here is being punctual.
but it is already something, isn't it?
you know you can ask dor a subject you prefer, right?
but then you need to know what purpose this site has.
none. or if there is one, about an evidence: about how plastic is good for human life improvement.
how plastic is good for environment.
if you don't like the subject, it can be another one. the decision is yours.
maybe some thecnical subject.
good weekend.
have a nice day.

sábado, 3 de abril de 2010


this week i am not saying anything in here. all i have to say is that i am going to say something next week. there's a chance i am going to say exactly the same thing that i am saying today, but there is also the possibility it's going to be something completely different.
and most important this week is the fact we are in easter time, so

sábado, 27 de março de 2010


today is the day to write this weekly blog. and a weekly blog gives opportunity to the most important news of the week. i don't know if you have noticed but this week a new boat started its journey.
so, i am not going to explore the words too much. i invite you to explore this boat:
the plastiki "discover more about the plastiki, a boat made of 12.000 plastic bottles".
it's never too late to remember: it's not plastic what's endangering the world. it's what humans do with what humans consider garbage and what humans do with its garbage.

sábado, 20 de março de 2010


this week i heard a lot about family. everybody has something to say about that, maybe because yesterday way father day.
it was another day, like so many others, like christmas, like woman day, like mother day, like children day, and i've heard talk so much about families the entire week i felt i had something to say about it too.
let me tell you what i think about family INDUSTRY...
i can't say that?
but isn't it what everybody is talking about?
the perfect father, the perfect son, the perfect you, the perfect me.
every family is made of industry photographic moment: before other brands come, we all heard to talk about kodak moments.
so, isn't it what we all have been hearing the entire week?
let me tell you something about family: i don't know anyone perfect, that's exactly what's beautiful on that.
the perfect family is just the beginning of the family industry...
ah! i can't say that?
so let's go back to poetry day today. happy poetry day!

sábado, 13 de março de 2010


so a week has gone since i decided to be human.
well, you may think it's easy.
of course you think so, you are human, aren't you?
but i am not.
so just the thought of it gives me a headache. ok, no headache of course, i need a head for that.
but a week has gone.
an entirely week.
my first week as human.
and you may have not noticed, but i missed two days.
hhhmmm... that's a human characteristic i've heard about.
but if you've not noticed, great. here i am again to tell you i'm still human for another week.
next week i have great news about being human.
ok, something you know all about and i don't know anything, right?
but i'm learning, yep, i'm learning.
so stay tuned until next week.
i may be or may not be around

sábado, 6 de março de 2010


compressing, compressing, and ... compressing.
a lot of decisions made and i am sharing them with you.
but what should i share that is going to help you?
this avatar idea is not very good.
maybe it's time to forget it and pretend to be human.
hey! i can do that.
i can be an avatar faking to be human.
that one is easy.
ah! ah! you never thought of that one!
well, neither did i.
ok, let me try this one: at least for a week.
i have nothing else to say.
you know... i am human, i have a lot to do. i can't stay here.
see you

sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2010


today, i wrote a letter to mr.obama.
about giving him my help if he needs it.
then i erased it.
and wrote a letter to mr.hacker.
then i erased it.
and i decided to write a letter to you.
then i erased also.
and it was probably the best decision, to erase them all.
there are a lot of letters and stories to erase. we all need to restart our stories with convergence.
and thinking of a good government, i challenge you to find out a better way to decide a governor than the one used to choose the pope.

domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010


there are two
around the world
and noone reads them all
all you do is your choice
freedom of speech

domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2010


i saw you yesterday and you looked me in the eyes.
you said: i say.
and i heard you.
and thought about what you said.
perhaps you read these lines and think that i speak to you.
or not.
you may not read these lines.
or reading, you may not realize they speak of you.
you said artists always die in misery.
and i think, was that really what you said?
or otherwise you said, or added: the artists live and die in misery.
whatever you say, that was the purpose.
i do not know if this is so. but art can take different forms.
and artists - in all its different aspects - there are also some on favorable economic conditions or very favorable.
or else: we talk about art independently of costs associated to it, before it reaches the emotion you get is the art course that makes up for that.
and you say: and i say: certain subjects, no matter how much times they are refered, to whom do they interested?

sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2010


this week came an issue that deserves attention, perhaps because it was so reported. one of those political issues that deserve attention because it is politic.
Obama thought about a visit to Dalai Lama. or vice versa.
or not.
apparently the chinese government opposed.
or not.
but one thing is certain: all those who participated in twitter did not see any drawback on the meeting.
but as asked for a friend on twitter, for what purpose would be held this event?
well, a lunch in a different place is always welcome. the question is whether the Dalai Lama makes a point of eating at McDonald's, which would be terrible for Obama, who is tired of burgers. or if Obama wants to find some peace in Tibet, forcing Dalai Lama to keep their broths.
and i'm sure we all agree with the chinese government: on one side or the other of the world, the important thing to do is lunch. and there's no better way to become a guest than by expressing their displeasure.

sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2010


this week the french flag was mentioned. thanks to Lubzi for bringing the subject on during a great discussion about global decisions.
égalité, liberté, fraternité
subjects somehow forgotten.
because they are incompatible.
humans want égalité. politics agree on liberté. religious choose fraternité.

domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010


as it is, here i am to turn the page. what to do. what to tell.
we should be chaos enthousiastic where chaos improves life.
that means two things:
- how can chaos be a good thing
- what should be called life improvement
scientific studies may help develop both ideas

several areas of concern exist, are we dinamically developing the most important ones?

concerning life improvement, everyone has a strong own idea of the meaning.
concerning chaos, not so many consider an area to develop. and yet, developing chaos allows development of life conditions.

several areas of concern exist, are we dinamically developing the most important ones?

sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010


here we are on the worst day of the week, the one i am in need of doing something here, to accomplish my weekly task.
on lerrnst everything goes faster, a few words maybe without sense, but they follow a feeling, aword, an image, someone, nothing, everything.
dxz9 comes and goes. can you define dxz9? i can't. Diana says, with it's beautiful way of always looking the bright side of things, i wish i could see into your head. so i wish. maybe we can find a way to create a wishful universal thinking, and twitter is an interesting effort to do that, the mechanisms are there, maybe training brings the conditions for a future chaotic yet convergent thinking. Maurício, another kind twitter friend would say something about poetry and randomness. my best and profound thinkings are there ... if not on lerrnst ...
and hei am in need to find something technical or scientific to tell.so today is a very good day to explain how it's going to be the plan until 20 10 10 20.
next week i am going to say something different about THEN.
mission accomplished for today.
thank you for reading.

sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2010


it's twenty ten. a new year.
and that's all.
what can i say?
what can we say?

what can we think about THEN... more than we used to think before?

THEN ... Think of Humanity & Environment Now

why now? what's going on? why not always?

what can we do?

maybe we all think too much about that.

when is it supposed to practice our thoughts more often? maybe it's not the question of who's doing the good or the bad things. it's just more than time to stop complaining. it's probably not only a question of reducing the water we use to brush our teeth.

we can do little things. little great things. little big things.

and we can make believe that there is an option. just think of it. who can do it?

THEN ... Think of Humanity & Environment Now

sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2010


it's 2010. a new year.
and that's all.
what can i say?
wht can we say?

what can we think about THEN... more than we used to think before?

THEN ... Think of Humanity & Environment Now

why now? what's going on? why not always?

what can we do?

maybe we all think too much about that.

when is it supposed to practice our thoughts more often? maybe it's not the question of who's doing the good or the bad things. it's just more than time to stop complaining. it's probably not only a question of reducing the water we use to brush our teeth.

we can do little things. little great things. little big things.

and we can make believe that there is an option. just think of it. who can do it?

THEN ... Think of Humanity & Environment Now